Dr. David Ayoub

Dr. Klienman in my opinion casts doubt on his research

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Dr. Klienman ( Doctor in my opinion responsible for so many false prosecutions because of his research concerning classic metaphyseal lesions CML’s) commented on Dr David Ayoubs article in the American Journal of Roentgeneology. My spin on it is that he admits that more research needs to be done.He still stands on his ideal that CMLs are inflicted. However, an infant with rickets can still have CML’s. Bones do not break themselves naturally  duh. Essentially  in my opinion he admits that a bone condition like rickets can have CMLs. Just saying


Collateral Damage Syndrome.. A short look at the “CBS Dotors” episode with Dr. David Ayoub

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Pay close attention to this recap. In my opinion Dr. Ayoub is on the spot but holds his own excellently. Dr Slovis is defensive. His last comment is the most telling. ““We haven’t forgotten our past,” he said. “There is no huge epidemic of rickets. The first thing we have to change is preventing child abuse. It’s great to talk about treating it. We have to prevent child abuse.”  

A lack of understanding rickets is monumental among child abuse experts, radiologists and pediatricians. They all seem to resort to the “we have to prevent child abuse”.

That is fine and dandy until that blatant stand destroys an innocent family. It is held by many that it is better to risk getting it wrong than to risk a child being abused. That is ABSURD! The medical research is available that can clearly identify abuse from a medical condition. Ignorance, Egos and self righteous attitudes are causing irreversible harm to the infants and their families. 

War is a classic example of how this should be viewed. Consider WW II and how thousands of civilians were killed during bombing raids. Fast forward to modern bombing. Collateral damage is minimized by better targeting technology. In the past blind ideology about attacking our enemies with everything we had, worked, but at what cost?    When you focus on just winning, The result only satisfies the side that attacked. The bigger spectrum should always be in getting it right. 

So long as Abuse experts, Rradiologists and Pediatricians presume their goal is to only prevent children from being abused, collateral damage will continue.

The mind set should be that removing a child from a loving family is  something that should also be prevented and every step it takes to get the diagnosis right needs to be pursued.

Rickets Awareness

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Rickets Awareness

Dr.David Ayoub debates rickets with doctors that do not accept updated research!!!!